Sunday 1 February 2009


Wolverhampton over the last half a century like many other towns and cities, has revelled in a orgy of of demolition and re-building, so its not surprising how soon we forget once familiar buildings and localities - My name is Billy Howe, and I do Wolverhampton Nostalgia, with my pictures and stories, over the next few months I’lI try to capture the atmosphere of the town as I knew it - which I hope will jog the memories of those who lived through those times and provoke the imagination of those who did not.

Please jump in at anytime and add your comments on anything that stirs your memory


  1. Hurrah! I'm glad you've started posting. I will follow along from Canada.

  2. Fantastic Site
    Billy Ian Halhead

  3. June Head (nee Dwight)6 April 2009 at 22:16

    I lived at 27 Nursery St (1958-1976) - Doreen was our neighbour (I remember her as Cook)This site stirred up some great memories for me- wonderful!

  4. Great site bill nice to read your blog from Jeff Halhead Sister Karen And her son jesse!

  5. Hi Bill do you,or anybody out there remeber a second hand car pitch in Molineux St just past Vincent St opp football ground.In the mid 1950s or have a photos of Molineux St in this time.John

  6. Yes I remember it well. In the 1950's My Uncle John then living in Blackpool. on his visits to the markets in Wolverhampton used to park his lorry there whilst staying at the family home close by - I will post it next especially for you.
    Billy H

  7. Billy you are doing great service with this site keep up the good work

  8. billy do you remember the lodging house run by mrs hayward?corner of Herbert st and Stafford st.children were rosie and jimmy.rosie seems to recall a doreen howe is she related to you?

  9. billy do you remember the lodging house corner of stafford street and herbert st ? run by mrs hayward.the children were rosie and jimmy.rosie recalls a doreen howe is she related ?

  10. This is a really interesting site Billy. My Granddad - Sid Pitt was a well known Licensee in Wolverhampton from the 30's to the 60's. At various times he kept Arley's Vaults, The Tiger and others and more famously The Posada where he provided lunches. It was here is about 1932 he was asked by Mr Meadows if a private room could be provided for lunch as he had an important guest and could they use the back entrance. This was duly arranged and the guest was introduced as 'Mr Lawrence (of Arabia)'. He dined at the Posada on several occasions, presenting Sid with a signed copy of his book The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, which sadly we no longer have.

  11. billy do you remember the lodging house on stafford st and herbert st .it was run by my gran ...mrs hayward.she had two children rosie and jimmy .my mom rosie recalls a doreen howe is this your aunt ?

  12. Hi Billy, I'm Jim Hayward's daughter, we were really pleased to hear from you, and we were all wondering if you would like to meet up for a drink, and say Hi. I would love it, as I don't remember very much about Dad, and would appreciate your memories. Look forward to hearing from you.

  13. Hello Bill. It's Steve here your nephew in Turkey. I Enjoyed your site especially after reading so many bad write ups about the city as it is now. I must say i prefered it as it was even in my youth and looking at how it was prior to that I can see how they managed to ruin it. Shame really. One thing i have learned though that it's people that make a place and wolverhampton people are amoungst the good of this planets population so i dont care what they write about the city it self. Take care & all the best. Steve.
